The past few couple of weeks have been busy ones for me, so rather than just ramble on about what I've been up to, I decided to just post some pictures. Hope you enjoy them!
These first photos are from Philadelphia. I spent 6 days there for the National Physician Assistant Conference. It was interesting for the most part. I learned a few things and got to hangout with Alicia (see previous post) and her husband. I also got to see one of my friends from college who is in his last semester of PA school. I took most of these as I walked the 9 blocks to and from the conference center every day.
The Skyline
City Hall
Sites along my morning walk

*Warning* If you have a weak stomach, scroll past this next photo quickly!
Alicia and I took a procedure class and one of the stations involved doing lumbar punctures (spinal taps), which we practiced on chickens. Supposedly it's just like doing one on an infant. The first two chickens that came out of the cooler had "feet" but no head, but the third one as you can see from the photo, certainly did! The doctor that pulled it out was like "wow this is too much, we can't use this one, we have to put it back in the cooler". It was after all 9am and this isn't exactly what you want to see at that time of the day! Of course, later the chicken again emerged from the cooler for her photo op. It's kind of one of those things you know you probably shouldn't take a picture of, but you just can't miss out on a prime opportunity.

When I left Philly, I flew back to Nashville to meet up with Valerie, Leah, and Jennifer for our second annual trip to the lake. We spent the weekend catching up, relaxing, riding around in the boat, and catching some rays. It was great to hang out with the girls and just enjoy being together. These are just a few of the many photos that we took.

Hanging out in the dockValerie, Leah, Me, and Jennifer
Val, Me, and Leah