Yesterday I stuck myself with a dirty needle at work. I was doing an I&D of an abscess that I know was full of MRSA (ie bad bacteria). I had injected the area with Lidocaine, cut into it, and was expressing a lot of pus. (for non-medical people, basically I was cutting open a pus pocket to drain the infection, I do this a lot in the ER and enjoy it probably more that I should) I went back to grab the needle to flush the area and numb it some more, and that's when I stuck myself. And it wasn't just a little poke in the glove, I stuck it bad enough that I pulled my hand back in pain and it instantly started bleeding. There was also a clear puncture hole in the glove. I probable shouldn't have, but I finished the procedure before I did anything about it.

Needle sticks are pretty much going to happen to you at some point when you work in healthcare. It actually wasn't the first time I've stuck myself. It happens sometimes when I'm suturing kids up and they thrash about, but I never really worry about catching anything. Even with this stick, I wasn't worried about HIV or Hepatitis or anything like that. I'm concerned about catching MRSA from the stick.
Since this all happened at work, I had to go through the whole process of signing in as a patient and doing the worker's comp thing. Then I had to have blood drawn. It was freezing cold in the ER and I'm a hard stick anyway, whic meant my veins were pretty much nonexistant. So in order to get blood, I got stuck an additional 3 times.

The 3rd time being in my wrist, which is really painful, but it was the only visible vein and they needed blood. When they finally did get a vein, it took like 5 minutes to fill the 3 tubes because the vein was so small and I was bleeding so slowly. On top of all of that, I had to get a tetanus shot since I haven't had one in 10 years. That means that my arm is horribly sore today and I can barely move it. So, yeah it was an "exciting" day at work.

At least now if I catch "the funk" (as a patient of mine called it yesterday), I have an offical record of it and my employer will be responsible for paying for any complications. Hopefully it will be okay. I pretty much know it will be and that the chances of catching anything are very low, but still MRSA is the one thing I worry about catching at work. I don't worry about getting all the other diseases that we see, but I do worry that I will pick this up.

We see some really bad infections of the stuff and once people get it, sometimes they have a hard time getting rid of it. It affects people from all walks of life too. One of our nurses even got it and had to be hospitalized for it. So keep your fingers crossed that I don't get the funk!
(my finger is where I stuck myself, and the other 3 photos are my blood draw sites. it's not real clear, but I have a pretty good size bruise on my wrist)