16 March 2009

Moving On

I've been reluctant to add a new post to the blog these past couple of months. Plenty has happened in my life, but nothing that seems as worthy as my last post. My tribute to Nathan was written with such emotion, and anything I've tried to write since then just doesn't seem to measure up. For a while, I couldn't even log into my blog because looking at the pictures was just too painful. I still miss him like crazy, but I know Nathan wouldn't want us living in the past. Moving on doesn't mean forgetting him, I don't think anyone who knew him will ever forget him.
In 2 weeks I will be walking in the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation's Great Strides walk at Lee University in Cleveland, TN. The money we raise by walking goes to help fund research and hopefully to someday soon find a cure. The link to my page is below if you would like to donate to this very worthwhile cause: CFF Walk
As for the rest of my life..............
I've been doing some more decorating in my house. The dinning room is still empty, except for 2 chairs and some dust bunnies, but that will soon change. When I head to Chattanooga, I plan to extend the trip down to Atlanta to visit the wonderful land of Ikea where I have found a lovely dinning room table and chairs.
In my effort to get in shape and hopefully lose a few pounds in the process, I have been hitting the gym several times a week and have taken up yoga. The yoga class I do at the gym is relatively relaxing and not too physically demanding. However, I purchased the Biggest Loser Weight Loss Yoga Video, and level 1 is kicking my butt! It's a good workout though and for all those people who don't think yoga counts as exercise I dare you to try this and then tell me what you think. It definitely makes you sweat!
I am also planning several trips in the coming months and have been busy searching for the cheapest flights I can find. In April I'm headed to DC to hang out with the girls for the weekend and am anxiously counting down the days. This summer I'm going to be volunteering at 2 different Young Lives camps. One is in Arizona and the other is in New York. If you don't know about the Young Lives ministry, you should check it out. I am very excited about this opportunity. I'll be doing medical stuff in AZ and childcare in NY. I also plan to spend some time out at Doe River Gorge again as camp "doc". It was lots of fun last summer.
For now, that's about all that's happening in my world.