18 May 2012

Thankful May Edition

It has been a long week and I am exhausted. Work has really worn me down this week. I had to dig deep to come up with this list, but felt like I needed to pause and reflect on the positive in the midst of a lot of stress.

  1. Starbucks: seriously made my day today
  2. Seeing old friends
  3. My job: even if some weeks it gets a little out of control
  4. Scott's Strawberries: love this time of year
  5. A sweet card from a friend
  6. Health: had a lot of patients this week who are facing a poor prognosis 
  7. Rain: it kept me from having to worry about watering my plants this week, which is good because they probably would have died otherwise
  8. Time with family
  9. Just the right song on the radio
  10. Friends who listen when you've had a bad day.