Tomorrow I turn 25 and it's putting me in a bit of a reflective mood. I guess because it's one of those ages that I consider a bit of a milestone. There's certain things that in my head I always thought would have happened by this point in time. A lot them are a reality. I have my master's degree, a job that I like, and I bought my first house a year ago. I have wonderful friends and a boyfriend who I love. But then there are a few things that have happened yet. I know 25 is by no means old, but in a way to me it is. I guess I figured I'd be married by now and maybe even thinking about starting a family. I try and focus on the things that I do have and be content with that. But sometimes I'm not. Maybe it's because a close friend just got engaged and my college roomie is pregnant. Maybe because I'm in the process of making some hard decisions about my job and the future. Sometimes growing up and dealing with life can be so complicated.
On a lighter subject, I've decided to get another tattoo to mark my 25 years. I'm getting it tonight with my friend Ashley, who is also getting one. I'll post pictures once it's done!

On a lighter subject, I've decided to get another tattoo to mark my 25 years. I'm getting it tonight with my friend Ashley, who is also getting one. I'll post pictures once it's done!

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