I love children of all ages, but there is a special place in my heart for babies. It's no secret that I hope to have several of my own some day, and hopefully that day is sooner rather than later. This past weekend I flew to Richmond to visit my best friend and college
roomie, Alicia. She had her little boy, Noah, in February and this was the first opportunity that I had to go meet him. I may be a bit bias, but he is seriously one of the most adorable babies I have ever seen! You can judge for yourself from his pictures.

I took plenty of pictures of Noah, but somehow didn't manage to get a single one of me and Alicia. Oh well! He is a very good baby full of smiles and laughs. We bonded instantly, and I wanted to steal him at the end of the weekend. It was great to hang out with Alicia and spend some quality time catching up and talking about life. She's one of those people that just gets me and I don't know what I'd ever do with out her. It was quite hot in Richmond

. By quite hot, I mean it was 102 and 111 degrees with the heat index on Sunday! At 930 at night it was still a whopping 93 degrees! Fortunately it was a dry heat, because if humidity had been added to that extreme heat, it would have been completely unbearable. I had lots of fun and came back refreshed. Visiting Alicia is pretty much like one big therapy session of me. I wish I had the chance to visit with her more often.
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