Where did June go? I can't believe it's July all ready. June was such a crazy, busy month that the days just seemed to fly by. I am currently enjoying a much needed week off from work. I feel like I've worked constantly since I came back from visiting Alicia at the beginning of the month. Probably, because I basically have! When I haven't been working at the hospital, I've been volunteering as medical staff out at Doe River Gorge Christian Camp. I enjoy it a lot, but it can take a lot out of me between all the kids, the heat, and the short supply of sleep. Work has seemed especially hectic this month because the nurse's station is being redone which means we've been in this little makeshift area that is not conducive to
efficient patient care. And yes, I've been complaining about it. a lot. It's
ridiculous though. It's taken them a month to take down wallpaper, paint, and put in new
counter tops. It seriously should have been a one week project. Hopefully it will be done by the time I head back to work on Saturday evening. It had better be! :) Right now I'm hanging out for a few days in Chattanooga so I can relax and have some me time. I've done a lot of sitting on the couch and sleeping in. It's been wonderful. Last night I got to hang out with 2 of my friends from PA school. It was great to see them and catch up.
Since it is now
officially July, that means we have entered my birthday month (it's the 28t
h for anyone that's wondering). I'm turning 26 and for some reason it's a bit harder than turning 25. I'm not really sure why. It's one year closer to turning 30 and it's hitting me hard that I'm still single. I'm trying to get over that though and just enjoy all that I have going for me right now. I bought a house on Monday. Now I have two. Yes, my townhouse in Chattanooga still hasn't sold. Up until recently it didn't really bother me, but now that the reality of making 2 house payments is on the horizon, I'm starting to get anxious about getting rid of my townhouse. So any extra prayers that you may say that it will sell soon would be greatly appreciated!
I probably won't post again before then, so I hope that everyone has a safe and fun 4t
h of July. I know I plan on enjoying some fireworks.