Change seems to be the theme this summer, and most of it seems to be for the better. I close on my new house the 30th, if all goes as planned. I am very much looking forward to my own space again. I am however NOT looking forward to packing and moving. It would be so nice if I could just zap all my stuff from one place to the next. Someone should really work on inventing something like that. It would be like the transporter thing on Star Trek. (yes I did just make a Star Trek reference on my blog!). I will post more pictures of my lovely new house later next week, but for now here's a couple of the outside.

I plan to spend lots of time relaxing on the front porch. I cut 10 1/2 inches off my hair a week ago and now that I have gotten use to it being so short, and loving it. It's much easier to wash and fix. I can't remember the last time it was this short though. I felt a bit naked for a day or two. It's more layered in the back, but it's kind of hard to take a picture of the back of your own head, so for now the front shots will have to do.

I cut my hair to donate to Pantene's Beautiful Lengths program. The partner with the American Cancer Society to distribute free real human hair wigs to patients. This is the 3rd time I've cut my hair to donate, and plan to continue to do so in the future. I figured I'm blessed with healthy hair that grows crazy fast, and this is something simple I can do to provide a very special thing to those in need. For more info, check out the link to the left. This week I offically joined the team from CMDA that is going to Mexico the end of October to do GYN surgery. It's that same organization I went with 2 years ago and we're going back to the same place. I really enjoyed it last time, and am looking forward to it again. I am an "only" child for the week. C is in FL this week with her friends for one final adventure before they all head off to college. R offically moved to Greenville, SC today to start her teaching job there, and E has been gone for over a month now. It's kind of strange for the house to be this empty. In August when C moves to college, my parents will be childless at home for the first time in almost 31 years! Craziness I tell you.
First of all....CONGRATULATIONS on your house!!! Second of all....your hair looks AMAZING. Girl, I miss you. I'm glad I can at least read about your life. It's been a whirlwind since I've been back...
Love the hair and Love the house!! So cute. I can't wait to see more pics!
Love the hair and Love the house!! So cute. I can't wait to see more pics!
You house and your hair is adorable :) I really like it short, it makes you look "fresh" and rejuvenated :)
the GYN surgery in Mexico trip sounds really cool! One of my best friends here works with the "Dr.s without borders" program and she spends a lot of time in Africa working with village people etc, she loves it. i think that something like that would be really rewarding. How long will you be gone? I'm headed home on the 10th of October and it would be great to see you :)
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