Not too much has been happening in my life lately, but I figured it's time for a new post so I thought I'd string together some random updates.
- I am so sick of cold and snow. I think it's snowed everyday for the past week and too many times to count since December. I'm ready for the sun and it's warmth to return.
- I finally got my car back. It spent 2 1/2 weeks at the body shop to repair damage from when the tree branch attacked it during the first big snow back in December.
- I love the Olympics! I could watch it all the time if they had it on. I enjoy watching the stars excel in their sports but also enjoy the stories of the underdogs who are just proud to be there representing their countries and the surprise medalists. My favorite events include speed skating, figure skating, snowboarding (which I'm watching as I write this) and skiing.
- I'm trying to lose some weight and have been watching what I'm eating and working out more. I've joined the ETSU gym thanks to my good friend and her Plus One Membership. It's much cheaper than the Wellness Center. I've been swimming laps lately which is a great workout, but when I get home I want to eat everything in the house! I'm trying to figure out how to remedy that as that kind of defeats the purpose of working out!
- I'm going to visit my college roomie next weekend and I'm so excited! We always have a good time when we are together.
- Even though it seems like the cold will last forever, summer will be here before I know it so I'm trying to organize my travels. So far in the works are a trip up north with the girls, a week at DRG as camp doctor, playing with the babies at Young Lives camp in Arizona, and maybe a trip to a medical conference.
- Work is work and I still enjoy it most days. I work with a great group of girls that help keep me sane on the crazy days.

Nothing too exciting, but that's what's been going on with me lately. I guess sometimes the norm is a good thing. It's nice to have a drama free life for the time being.
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