These little faces always make me smile. |
It's been a pretty crappy week. I can't really wrap my head around it all right now. Needless to say I need some happy thoughts to focus on. These are things that make me happy.
A few of my kiddos from the nursery at church. |

We had a dessert cook off at work today. My pumpkin cupcakes won first prize. This is what I got plus a Panera gift card. I was almost as excited about the pretty box as what was in it.

Pumpkin Spice Soy Latte from Starbucks. Enough said.

This was my major impulse purchase of the week. I've been sticking with the running so I decided to buy myself a nano. I have a touch but it's just too bulky to run with. It came today. I love it.

My boys. I really do love them even though at times they drive me crazy. Like the other day after one of the worst days of my life when I came home to find that I must have not shut the bathroom door all the way and while I was at work the boys had some major fun. I had left a 6 pack of toilet paper right inside the door. I opened the front door to find my living room covered in what looked like snow, but on closer examination was just shredded toilet paper. If it hadn't been such a sucky day, I probably would have found it humorous. I however did not.
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