1. You may think I'm bias, but Erika's is one of my favorite blogs to read. We grew up down the street from each other and share a birthday. I enjoy keeping up with her life even though we are miles apart. I especially look forward to the "Overheard in Our House" posts. I can't tell you the number of times I have laughed out loud reading what she writes.
2. Kelly at The Burrow Knits. Kelly is a single mom of 4 boys and I admire her strength and raw honesty about life. Stories of adventures with the boys make me laugh and her thoughts on deep matters and self discovery often bring tears to my eyes or make me really stop and think.
3. Piper at A Matter of Life and Breath. Piper has cystic fibrosis. She is a major advocate for CF research and knowledge in the community. She has also shared her journey of her double lung transplant. She is a beautiful writer and one strong chick. I discovered her blog kind of randomly. My friend Nathan passed away from CF a couple of years ago and I have continued to remain involved with the CFF.
4. Carrie at Carrie's Busy Nothings. Carrie is a childhood friend that I home schooled with and I have enjoyed connecting with her again in our adult lives. She writes about a little bit of everything. She shares my love for bargains, fall, and pumpkins! :)
5. Gina at Skinny Taste. Gina posts delicious, healthy recipes and includes the Weight Watchers points. Everything I have tried is delicious. Her pumpkin recipes are some of my favorites (I'm sure you're shocked.) I like that her recipes don't use a lot of artificial crap.
If you want to keep the blog love going, here are the rules:
1. Thank the giver and link back to the blogger who gave it to you.
2. Reveal your top five picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
3. Copy and paste the award on your blog.
4. Hope that the people you've sent the award to forward it to their five favorite bloggers and keep it going!
Aww...thanks Rachel! I've got my post all ready to go up on Monday, so be on the lookout! It HAS been fun catching up with both you and Erika via your blogs. :-)
I found you via Erika's nominations too. Your blog looks super fun and inventive. Excited to become a follower!
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