11 October 2006

What's wrong with people these days?

Today I was out doing some errands and I ended up behind this jeep wrangler that had several bumber stickers on it, and since we were at a red light, I took the time to read them. Normally I'm all for freedom of speech and can laugh at most things done in fun even if they aren't my specific opinions, but this one bumper stick was completely out of line. It read "I raised this thing (meaning the jeep obviously), because fat chicks can't climb." How horrible is that?!?!?!?!?! First, it's bad enough that some one would make something like that, but it's even worse that this guy chose to buy it and put it on his car for all to see. I mean there are some "offensive" bumper stickers out there, but most of them are in fun. I think this one crosses the line though. I know I seem rather worked up over a simple line on the back of some guy's car, but in a world where there is so much pressure to look a certain way and have a specific body type things like this only re-enforces that mindset.


f1rststory said...

Wow - at first I thought you were going to be talking about my wrangler...but i don;t have that sticker on there (anymore) HAHAHHAHAHAAHAH jk

lisa said...

I haven't seen that one...and it just screams that the guy in the ca/jeep is a JERK!